Conquests Omnipedia
The Conquests series (like many other Sierra series) contains material which some have found controversial, and it has had its own share of controversies over the years.

This page discusses a number of the controversial aspects of the series as defined by reviewers and players over the years. Note: the 'controversies' are just opinions by different individuals, commentators and writers (some maybe interpretation or biased projection, and therefore the accuracy of opinions cannot be vouched for).

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the cited authors, writers, commentators and other individuals, and do not reflect the official policies or positions of this wiki.



  • The first game has a mix of religions including Christian/Mithraism/Paganism/Islam/Greek, etc. Religion in general might be offensive to some, and views on Christianity might be offensive to some Christians, including the mixed religon of Christianity and Mithrism that the game portrays at the beginning of the game (but later destroys half of, once the Grail is returned).
  • Paganism being treated as inferior to Christianity would probably be offensive to many neo-pagans as well.
  • The second game is filled with reliogious catholic references, and the church is mostly treated as the bad guys (other than a few good and pious monks such as Friar Tuck himself. This portrayal might offend some Christians, but overal religious overtones might offend some modern secularists as well.


  • This is a medieval series, and violence comes with the territory. But violence can be controversial to some people.

Minority Representation

  • Racism, Stereotypes, & Cultural Appropriation
  • Other similar Sierra themed games that portray various classical cultures such as Quest For Glory (and a lesser extent King's Quest) have had accusations of racist, stereotypes, & cultural appropriation leveled at them. Conquests does have a few examples where it has projected some western stereotypes of foreign cultures onto certain topics

Female Representation

  • Sexism, Misogyny, Feminism, etc
  • Sexism does appear in the series, but for most part, actively taking part in it leads to death or punishment.

LGBT representation

  • One of the priests is gay, and propositions Robin Hood if he tried grabbing the priest.

Disabilities representation

  • People with disabilities are treated as beggars in the first game. Though in this case its a thief who fakes his disability.
  • The jester character in Longbow is called a 'dwarf' this may not be politically correct under current political correctness. The fact that the character is treated as a jester might also be considered offensive to some.

Profanity and Vulgarity

  • The parser for Conquests of Camelot understands a number of vulgar terms, but the game will give a funny response to, or lead to deaths, or punishments in certain circumstances, a few actually have valid uses under certain circumstances. The words in the parser include: crap, defecate, dump, fart, poop, shit, cocksuck, motherfuck, boff, bugger, copulate, fornicate, fuck, hump, rape, screw, kiss, seduce, piss, pee, leak, urinate, whiz, wee, prostitute, slut, strumpet, trollop, wench, whore, coitus, intercourse, sex, asshole, bullshit, dickhead, prick, shithead, bitch, cunt, excrement, turd.
